showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Stellar Track  Sears (Atari)1980Would have been Atari CX2619. But only Sears opted to publish this game.
Based on the popular unauthorized Star Trek game that was commonly copied around college mainframes in the 70s. Developed by Atari and given to Sears as part of their licensing deal. Sears failed to get an official license from Paramount so changed the name, but did not change any the Trekkie words in the game. This game is text based.
Alien 20th Century Fox1982It's [game=#5506]Pac-Man[/game]! What a rip off! No wait, this is a better version, of Pac-Man.
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega;Teldec1983 labelimageminimize
Flash Gordon  20th Century Fox;Zellers (20th Century Fox)1983 labelimageminimize
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Sega;Teldec1984 labelimageminimize